DLW with Seniors
The overall purpose of this project is to translate evidence from the “Do Live Well” health promotion framework into an accessible workshop format for older adults and their caregivers in the community.
Key phases in the project include:
- building community-academic partnerships
- core partnership between the Active Living Coalition for Older Adults and Occupational Therapy researchers at McMaster University
- local working group includes older adults as well as service providers in seniors’ centres
- advisory team includes multi-sector representation from provincial and national seniors’ organizations
- developing a series of 5 workshops for seniors based on central evidence-based principles of the Do Live Well framework (including leaders handbook and supporting materials);
- pilot testing workshops (co-led by an OT and an older adult) in 3 Ontario seniors’ centres
- disseminating information in partnership with older adults and service providers invested in healthy aging
This project is funded by CIHR –Institute of Aging, Voluntary Sector Partnership Grant (Jan 2015-Jan 2016).
For more information, contact: seniors@dolivewell.ca